Friday, January 22, 2010

Shooting Pool & Selling Shoes

We really do love a bit of a dabble in a second-hand auction. Vintage rugs, random ornaments, wildly extravagant statues - you name it! Our most latest acquirement is possibly our best yet - A BILLIARDS TABLE!

Okay... so ours doesn't exactly look like a kombi van. And it has green carpet, not green (obviously infinitely cooler). It's now landed smack bang in the middle of our store and is all yours to come play on anytime you like.

Just in case shoes are more of your thing, then we also just decided to have a 50% OFF SHOE SALE! This includes some amazing styles by Tristan Blair, Melissa and Kathryn Wilson. Whilst the elusive Friend of Mine shoes aren't on sale yet, we have also decided to slash $100 off the suede tan and patent black buckle MJ BOOTS - yay! Selling fast!

xx DY

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Friend of Mine on 7PM Project!

.... And, yes, we have this beautiful Friend of Mine Amelia Leather Jacket worn by host Carrie Bickmore currently in stock.

You can also purchase it via the Friend of Mine online site - word is that they're on sale for the next three days only!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Super Silly Summer Sale

Yes, we really can be a bit silly at Down Yonder. It's one of the reasons everybody loves us so much! First notch of silliness for 2010 starts with our crazy big huge summer sale. We've reduced ALL CLOTHING (none of this surly reduction of old winter stock like all the other stores do) - even the brand spanking new Friend of Mine second collection which just arrived in last month.

We've got discounts starting at 50% off and racks of summer dresses, tees and shorts starting at $29! Brands include Stolen Girlfriend, Friend of Mine, Texas, Lonely Hearts, and Life with Bird.

You know you love us when we're silly. Sale continues until end of the month - but come in the next few days to get the best stuff.
