Sunday, January 16, 2011

shop for DY goodies online!

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are you from out of town? suffering from an excruciating hangover and unable to leave the house? wishing connex would get their act together and make the trains run on time? stuck at work 9-5? suffering from the old 'not enough hours in the day' - or as my nan would say - not enough time to scratch your bum? enter DOWN YONDER ONLINE, the technological incarnation of our lovely store in south yarra! much like late night telemall shopping - but stocking rad high fashion items that probably won't crunch your abs or slice coke cans like they're butter, but will ensure second looks as you stroll chapel street. at DOWN YONDER ONLINE you'll find the latest from shakuhachi, friend of mine, something else, stolen girlfriends club, karen walker and more, along with specials for online customers, and advice from resident DY stylists! don't let this deter you from coming in for a visit, after all - we love an old fashioned chin wag as much as the next girl.. 

happy 2011 DY shoppers xxx

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